Decide your career strategically according to your interest,competence and not by emotions and any other pressures.
Career Guidance by Psychometric Assessment. Memory Techniques and Smart Mind Programming to enhance the potential.
Mindpllus provides career guidance by Psychometric Assessment. Psychometric Test helps to discover your personality traits, aptitude, intelligence, true potential and abilities. It will also help you to understand and decide which career option is best suited for you. The test helps you to understand your strength & weaknesses.
Students of class 9 th , 10 th , 11 th and 12 th are at the crucial stage of making the most vital career decision. They are often confused in selecting the correct stream like humanities, science, commerce, medical, non-medical etc. Then college graduates/working professionals. So the need is to identify a scientific tool which helps us to understand our acquired skills. The scientific tool is a Psychometric Test. The Psychometric Test can be done for a child who is 8 years and above.
Parents and teachers have always high expectations from students and they want the best out of them. So they always ask their children to be good at everything not knowing that their expectation would put pressure on the child with unwanted and unhealthy competition. The ever ending demands and expectations of teachers and parents lead to high stress levels among children and they are on the verge of losing themselves.
No point in wasting time in confusion and stress. Mindpllus believe that every child is unique and has unique capabilities and aptitude. The potential of each child can be developed and enriched by different techniques. Our aim is to take out the hidden powers of every child so that he can utilize his inborn intelligence and talent and show excellent results in all walks of his life and hence we come out with a program of providing workshops to tackle the challenges of goal setting, poor memory, slow reading, low concentration and many more….